Tuesday, December 30, 2008

An afternoon at Gymboree

Lola has a ton of energy like any other 15 month old. We spent some time at Gymboree, thinking it would wear her out...wrong. We were tired and she was just getting started. But I'm convinced now we need a playroom, more than ever.

A pot of tea

Lola didn't waste anytime with her tea set. For someone who doesnt feed herself she knows exactly what to do. i guess i need to let her feed herself....but who's going to clean up the mess...doug!?

Press and Curl

Lola wont let me comb her hair, at least not without a fight, but she's already combing out her new dolls hair...we'll have to work on a name for her.

Happy Holidays

We had a very lovely holiday in Vegas with Grandma Susie. We're hoping to instill the gift of giving into Lola's holiday, she's a bit to young now to truly enjoy the holiday. But rather than make it a commercial holiday we made the day all about family, having a lovely holiday brunch and dinner. Im hoping to keep gifts down to a minimum but also want to give Lola some balance. She did recieve 3 very nice gifts, a tea set, a doll, and a v-tech. Here Lola is trying out her new tea set.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Posing for a picture for Grandpa Dan. I'll have to find some video of lola playing the piano. Hold your applause.

Eating off Grandma Susie's Plate

Grandma Susie seems to be the only one able to get Lola to eat table food. Lola keeps asking for more corn bread and sweet potatoes and Perrier water??
Whew, im not changing that diaper..

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What Im most thankful for

Lola loves her milk, she's slowly adjusting to food, very very slowly. But her preference is to drink Milk. Lolas is finishing her thanksgiving dinner with Grandma.